

Spain’s First Entrepreneurship and Employment Forum


On April 28, 2023, Spain’s first Entrepreneurship and Employment Forum was successfully held in the auditorium of the Carlos III University in Madrid, Spain.

This forum brings together multinational business managers, entrepreneurs, human resources experts and other experts to discuss the latest employment and entrepreneurship trends, skills and tools.

In-depth exchanges on the future employment and entrepreneurship market, including digitalization, innovation, sustainable development and cross-cultural communication, while providing the most powerful information to help you stand out in the fiercely competitive market.

This forum is not only an opportunity to share experiences, but also a platform for exchanges between overseas Chinese and international students.

Here, everyone can make like-minded friends, learn from each other, and grow together. During the forum, you will have the opportunity to network with guest speakers and other young career developers, network, share experiences, and engage in Q&A with experts.

In addition, the forum also specially invited the human resources departments of two major companies, MAIN PAPER SL and Huawei (Spain), to come to the site in person to promote recruitment and provide recruitment introductions for multiple positions.

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Ms. IVY, Chief Human Resources Officer of MAIN PAPER SL Group, attended this Spanish Entrepreneurship and Employment Forum in person, thinking deeply about the current complex and ever-changing employment and entrepreneurship environment, and delivered a fascinating speech with unique insights. In her speech, Ms. IVY not only analyzed the impact of global economic trends on the job market, but also deeply analyzed the reshaping of industry structures by technology and digital innovation, as well as the dual challenges this change poses to job seekers and companies.

She gave in-depth answers to questions raised by entrepreneurs and shared MAIN PAPER SL Group’s successful experience and best practices in human resources management. Ms. IVY emphasized the importance of innovation, flexibility and cross-sector cooperation in coping with job market turbulence, and encouraged companies to actively adopt new technologies and training programs to adapt to future changes in the labor market. She also emphasized the importance of career development planning and continuous learning, advocating that individuals maintain adaptability and learning motivation throughout their careers.

Throughout the speech, Ms. IVY fully demonstrated her deep understanding of the current employment and entrepreneurship situation and her positive outlook for future development.Her speech not only provided valuable thinking and inspiration for the participants, but also demonstrated MAIN PAPER SL Group’s leading position in the field of human resources and forward-looking insights into the future labor market.

Post time: Nov-12-2023
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